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Hey there... Come here often?

Well I sure as hell don't! Let me count the ways in which I have said I needed to write. OMG that soup I just made was soooo good! Oh... yeah, right... writing. I have written many stories in my head, I have written them while walking in the woods, while lying in bed, driving, in the shower... you get the point. Somehow, they have yet to make it onto the paper.  What's that all about? I've even done a podcast on that! In the car of course. Let me tell you what, I am one hell of a person to interview myself! Welcome to last year. The year of hindsight... 2020. I'm not going to jump on the band wagon of "Fuck 2020!" Hell, 2020 was a good year, a year of growth. I am fortunate to be where I am during the lockdown. We have trees, land, and water all around me. I have soil to play in to try figure out how to get the most out of it while feeding the soil and our family. I have skills to hone and ones to learn. Like building a shed, cutting down trees, dusting off my

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